Our Experience
HQP has extremely deep and broad practical experience in designing and delivering population health and care management programs.
From the Start
HQP was incorporated in 2000, and began operations in July 2001. Before launching HQP, our senior team had already accrued many years of experience working in a variety of settings implementing quality improvement, public health, care management, care coordination, and managed care programs (some for health plans, most provider-based initiatives +/- risk sharing contracts). Our senior team's collective experience prior to HQP's launch included; serving as the medical management team for 120,000 lives under a risk contract held by an 11 hospital consortium in eastern Pennsylvania, supporting disease management and quality initiatives at large academic integrated health systems, medical director for quality at a Medicaid health plan, directing an inpatient case management department, extensive visiting nurse and hospice care experience, and working with public health entities to implement innovative models of care for vulnerable populations (NY Designated AIDS Centers and later HIV Special Needs Plans, SNPs).
HQP's Growing Experience
HQP's organizational purpose has never been to chase market share for population health and care management services in order to grow a business. Many companies in this field focus mainly on providing products and services designed to optimize revenues and comply with standards or requirements of the latest payment reforms; yielding more business-centered than person- or population-centered models of care. HQP's unique value comes from our willingness to undertake the long, challenging work of discovering what really works to improve the health of vulnerable populations as our primary aim. 17 years later, that's still our primary aim.
Along the way we've accrued valuable experience and insights into models of population health management and community-based preventive care - some so effective they saves lives AND money. Some of the major projects we've undertaken are listed below;
Health Plans -
HQP was incorporated in 2000, and began operations in July 2001. Before launching HQP, our senior team had already accrued many years of experience working in a variety of settings implementing quality improvement, public health, care management, care coordination, and managed care programs (some for health plans, most provider-based initiatives +/- risk sharing contracts). Our senior team's collective experience prior to HQP's launch included; serving as the medical management team for 120,000 lives under a risk contract held by an 11 hospital consortium in eastern Pennsylvania, supporting disease management and quality initiatives at large academic integrated health systems, medical director for quality at a Medicaid health plan, directing an inpatient case management department, extensive visiting nurse and hospice care experience, and working with public health entities to implement innovative models of care for vulnerable populations (NY Designated AIDS Centers and later HIV Special Needs Plans, SNPs).
HQP's Growing Experience
HQP's organizational purpose has never been to chase market share for population health and care management services in order to grow a business. Many companies in this field focus mainly on providing products and services designed to optimize revenues and comply with standards or requirements of the latest payment reforms; yielding more business-centered than person- or population-centered models of care. HQP's unique value comes from our willingness to undertake the long, challenging work of discovering what really works to improve the health of vulnerable populations as our primary aim. 17 years later, that's still our primary aim.
Along the way we've accrued valuable experience and insights into models of population health management and community-based preventive care - some so effective they saves lives AND money. Some of the major projects we've undertaken are listed below;
Health Plans -
- enabling Martin's Point Health Care in Portland, ME, a unique Medicare Advantage plan, to replicate advanced preventive care to improve outcomes of higher-risk members
- enabling Salveo, a care management subsidiary of a secondary health plan in Australia, to adapt advanced preventive care for use in Tasmania
- providing HQP's advanced preventive care for chronically ill older adults to higher-risk Aetna Medicare Advantage members in select practices in southeast Pennsylvania
- providing analysis and process improvement to SelectHealth SNP for HIV/AIDS members in NYC (when owned by New York - Presbyterian)
- supporting River Health ACO to replicate HQP's advanced preventive care for chronically ill older adults
- Doylestown Health - advising on population health and care management design options
- St. Mary Medical Center - Model 2 Bundled Payment for Care Improvement (BPCI) - HQP provides a form of HQP's advanced preventive care adapted for 90-day post-discharge follow-up for Heart Failure patients
- Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin Clinical Cancer Center - support designing and implementing a "hub model" of care to ensure seamless, longitudinal support of cancer patients by a multidisciplinary team
- Physician practice - practice-embedded care management model, located in Princeton, NJ
- State Innovation Models - lead consultant to Maryland's State Innovation Planning initiative
- Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers - consulting support to CCHP's program model design
- Medicare Coordinated Care Demonstration (MCCD) - delivering HQP's advanced preventive care to chronically ill older adults over multiple phases of a randomized controlled trial, lasting a total of 12 years and 9 months